Beijing says the regulation is aimed at protecting the personal information of Web users and cracking down on abuses such as junk e-mail. 中国官方说,这项规定是为了加强保护网络用户的个人信息,并打击垃圾邮件等滥用行为。
I encoded a message in a junk e-mail. 我用编码留在一封垃圾电邮里。
Use advanced options for blocking junk e-mail messages. 通过高级选项组织垃圾邮件。
You can also use the organize pane to apply color to certain messages, such as those sent from a specific person or those identified as junk e-mail. 您也可以使用“组织”窗格,对特定邮件应用颜色,例如来自特定发件人的邮件或标识为垃圾电子邮件的邮件。
E-mail sent to addresses or domain names on your Safe Recipients List will never be treated as junk e-mail. 发送到安全收件人列表中地址或域名的电子邮件不会被视为垃圾邮件。
You can not add your own e-mail address or domain name to the safe recipients list because most junk e-mail will no longer be caught. 您不能将自己的电子邮件地址或域名添加到“安全收件人”列表中,因为这将导致大多数垃圾邮件无法被捕获。
Enjoy new measures that help keep you safe from junk e-mail and malicious sites. 利用新方法帮助您免受垃圾邮件和恶意网站的侵扰。
The junk e-mail filter is turned on by default, and the protection level is set to low. 默认情况下,垃圾电子邮件筛选功能处于打开状态,并且保护级别设置为“低”。
High: Most junk e-mail is caught, but some regular mail may be caught as well. Check your Junk E-mail folder often. 高:能捕捉绝大多数垃圾邮件,但也可能捕捉一些常规邮件。请经常检查垃圾邮件文件夹。
Because of junk e-mail, people are getting increasingly skeptical about what's happening with the information they provide to some Web sites. 由于大量乱寄的电子邮件,人们越来越多地怀疑他们向某些网站提供的信息将发生的后果。
Are you annoyed by the sender of some junk e-mail? 您受到过垃圾邮件的困绕吗?
If the sent spam message uses real text, the outlook junk e-mail filter will very likely move the message to the junk e-mail folder. 如果发送的垃圾邮件使用真实的文本,outlook垃圾邮件筛选将极有可能会将其移到“垃圾邮件”文件夹中。
If you work online the junk e-mail filter lists are stored on the server. 联机工作时“垃圾电子邮件筛选列表”存储在服务器上。
After the images are downloaded, a web beacon notification is sent to the sender of the junk e-mail that informs the sender that the recipient e-mail address is valid. 下载图像后,会向垃圾电子邮件的发件人发送web信号通知,告知收件人的电子邮件地址是有效的。
The Junk E-mail lists can't be modified. Wait a few moments, and then try again. 无法修改垃圾邮件列表。请稍候再试。
Set the level of junk e-mail protection. 设置垃圾电子邮件保护级别。
In current E-mail system, there are some problem which must be solved, such as the safety of E-mail, junk E-mail, classification of E-mail, name resource and so on. 该文对现有电子邮件系统中存在的安全性、垃圾邮件、邮件分类、信箱命名资源等问题进行了分析。
No Automatic Filtering. Mail from blocked senders is still moved to the Junk E-mail folder. 无自动筛选。来自阻止发件人的邮件仍将被移动到垃圾邮件文件夹。
When you add a name or e-mail address to this list, outlook moves any incoming message from that source to the junk e-mail folder. 在向此列表中添加姓名或电子邮件地址时,outlook会将来自该来源的任何传入邮件移动到“垃圾电子邮件”文件夹中。
Even though the junk e-mail filter filters your incoming messages automatically, you can control what is and is not considered spam by using the junk e-mail filter lists. 虽然垃圾电子邮件筛选会自动筛选传入的邮件,但您也可以通过使用垃圾电子邮件筛选列表来控制把哪些邮件视为垃圾邮件和非垃圾邮件。
The sender of the selected message has been added to your Blocked Senders List, and the message has been moved to the Junk E-mail folder. 选中邮件的发件人已被添加到阻止发件人列表,邮件已被移动到垃圾邮件文件夹。
Deleting or disabling this rule may cause junk e-mail coloring not to work properly. Would you like to continue anyway? 删除或禁用该规则可能导致垃圾邮件色彩不正常。是否继续?
As a result, messages that have a postmark appear in the inbox, rather than in the junk e-mail folder. 结果,带邮戳的邮件会出现在“收件箱”中,而不是“垃圾电子邮件”文件夹中。
Low: move the most obvious junk e-mail to the junk e-mail folder. 低:将最明显的垃圾邮件移动到“垃圾邮件”文件夹。
The paper explained Rough Set application in the junk e-mail filter especially, and has carried on the experiment contrast to a large number of data, the test has proved Rough Set filters 'feasibility and dependability of technology in the junk e-mail. 重点阐述了RoughSet在垃圾邮件过滤中的应用,并对大量数据进行了实验对比,试验验证了RoughSet在垃圾邮件过滤技术上的可行性和可靠性。
The authors analyze the essence of some existing algorithms of junk E-mail filtering rules and give the way to represent an E-mail as a transaction. 分析了己有的垃圾E-mail过滤规则的算法的本质,给出了将邮件表示成事务的方法。
The junk e-mail on Internet faces to be solved urgently. 垃圾邮件是Internet上面临急待解决的问题。
Junk E-mail Filtering Method Based on Data Mining 基于数据挖掘的垃圾E-mail过滤方法
A Junk E-Mail Filtering Model Based on Source Address Restraints 基于源地址约束的垃圾邮件过滤模型